Extraordinary Fibromyalgia Breakthrough!

Recent U.S. Patent offers revolutionary new solution for Fibro Conditions.
If you are suffering with chronic soft tissue pain, a new breakthrough protocol may very well change your life and how your body responds to chronic pain.
Fibromyalgia affects millions of Americans each year causing severe and mysterious pain all over the body. For people suffering from fibromyalgia, treatments remain elusive, in large part because of the uncertainties that surround the condition. It is unknown why in conditions like fibromyalgia the body’s signal path becomes corrupt and pain becomes the predominant message delivered to the brain. But as the medical community continues to better understand fibromyalgia, a new treatment protocol has been paying huge benefits to many sufferers.
Today, patients frustrated with a multitude of treatment options that yield little or no relief from their chronic pain have something to celebrate. Finally a treatment protocol is delivering unprecedented results to the body’s perception of pain. The best news is that unlike most so called treatments this new protocol provides identifiable results within minutes. The drug free and non-invasive treatment has no negative side effects and is now available at the WNY Pain Relief & Integrative Wellness Center.
WNY Pain Relief & Integrative Wellness Center was recently chosen as one of the first offices in the North Eastern United States to join the highly trained health and wellness professionals across the country that specialize in this new protocol. Help is Now Available for the following symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Headaches
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Muscle, ligament, and tendon pain
- Sleep disorders and more!
We're committed to providing each of our patients with the highest standard of care, and when you come to us for help, we'll take the time to develop a personalized treatment plan just for you.
Don't suffer in silence with fibromyalgia. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call us today.